Speak Out for Hahamongna
Keep it Natural!
Monday, July 12th, 2010, 6:30 pm
Pasadena City Hall, Council Chambers
100 N. Garfield Ave., Pasadena
Alert: Pasadena Council Again Balks at Reviewing Soccer Fields at Hahamongna
June 3, 2010 -- The Pasadena City Council has again delayed a discussion of whether to even consider a request by the Hahamongna Water Park Advisory Committee (HWPAC) to review the city's plan to build additional soccer fields and a parking lot in the middle of the flood basin. The matter was agendized for the Council meeting of May 10 but was removed from the agenda at the last minute. It was then announced that the discussion would be deferred to Monday, June 7th. The discussion has again been delayed until July 12th.
Apparently strong pressure is being exerted on Mayor Bogaard and Councilmembers to ignore the request from the Hahamongna Watershed Park Advisory Committee and the Environmental Advisory Commission to reconsider a 2003 plan to place two soccer fields and a parking lot in the middle of the Hahamongna flood basin.
The HWPAC letter and a series of staff-generated reports can be found under item 21 on the Council Agenda: http://ww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2010%20agendas/May_10_10/agenda.asp
Please come to the Council Meeting and let your voice be heard. Pasadena must reconsider this ill-advised plan and preserve the rare natural values of the Hahamongna area.
Council meetings are held at Pasadena City Hall and begin at 6:30 pm, although the Hahamongna matter is likely to come up somewhat later.